Caucho Correcaminos

Roadrunner Mulch offers rubber mulch nuggets in various colors for use in playgrounds, landscaping, and equestrian arenas. Some benefits include:

* Protect kids from playground related fall injuries. Head injuries are especially dangerous.
* Environmentally sustainable recycled rubber mulch- go green!
* Low to no maintenance required
* Long lasting product- no need frequent remulching

Besides pallet quantities available nationwide in Mexico, we also offer wholesale container export to the US and other countries. We have the relevant export permits, experience, and cross-border infrastructure to facilitate wholesale exports and import through our US subsidiary.

Contact Augusto Garcia at for wholesale distribution inquiries.

You may also visit our Houston, TX location at

Our Story

Roadrunner Mulch, known as Caucho Correcaminos in Spanish, is a scrap tire recycler based in Santa Catarina, Nuevo Leon where we produce rubber mulch, buffings, and other products.

Besides our rubber products, we will also be offering complimentary products in the playground, landscaping, and artificial turf fields industries. Make sure to check our online store as we include new products.

Rubber mulch is considered by ASTM International and other organizations as an excellent option for protecting against injuries caused by falls in playgrounds. You can’t really put a price on kids’ safety and on the peace of mind of knowing kids are safe in the playground.

In landscaping applications, our rubber mulch prevents the presence of weeds and insects while offering a great visual look! Other benefits include retained soil moisture and low to no maintenance required. Our paint supply is specifically engineered to meet rubber’s needs and is guaranteed to last 12 years.